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Golfing Tips : How to Hit a Golf Ball Low

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Golfing Tips : How to Calculate a Handicap in Golf

After figuring out a golf course's rating, take the score and subtract it from the course rating before multiplying it times 113 and dividing this number by the slope of the course. Take five scores and multiply the lowest by

Golfing Tips : How to Add Weight to a Golf Club

There are two basic ways to add weight to an iron golf club, including a metal weight with magnetic tape or iron fillings that go in place of the grip. Learn about drivers that allow golfers to alter the weight

Golfing Tips : How to Organize Golf Clubs

In golf, the old standard for organizing clubs entails putting the shorter clubs in the first slot of the bag, the middle irons in the middle brackets and the big clubs in the back. Find out where to place putters

Golfing Tips : How to Hit a Chip Shot

A chip shot in golf can be performed with any of a number of clubs, including a seven iron, an eight iron, a nine iron, a pitching wedge or a sand wedge. Find out how a chipping swing is a

Golfing Tips : How to Hit a Straight Tee Shot

Hitting a straight tee shot in golf is all about getting the golf club to arrive on the line of play with the club face square. Learn about timing and the swing path in golf with help from a Class

Golf Tips tv: Driving the ball Long & Straight

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